Let me get on my soapbox for a second about something I am hearing a lot more from models and MUA that I have been working with.
I don't know where it started or when 'we' photographers started to believe we are Gods and we have the right to demean a model physical characteristics to their face. The last couple of shoots I have done with some models and MUAs have told me that they have worked with a few photographers who will actually insult them to their face.
One model tells me, "He told me I was fat." (I know who the photographer is, but I won't put their name out there) While I am looking at this model and I remember seeing a gym in her basement looking at her I could see she wasn't anywhere close to being overweight. That's besides the point though. Why would you tell a model she overweight while photographing them? Isn't that counter productive?
So, I ask my fellow photographers to think before they speak. Seriously, a lot of us behind the camera prefer to stay behind the camera because we are self-conscious of ourselves. Hell I know I am!! Just because you hold a camera doesn't mean you're a God or the 'Beholder of the Eye'. You have no right to insult someone who is busting their ass to work with you. Being photographed or painted and making great art with a human as the subject takes a lot of confidence and patients. No one is perfect..no one.
Everyone knows I love me some Sofia Vergara, but I know that its hard work for her to look at good as she do. You think anyone on the of the set of 'Modern Family' or a 'Pepsi' commercial will ever tell Sofia she overweight or too skinny or too old-looking?! Hell no!
Remember this in photography game everything we do is a like a dance or a play. Everyone has a role and everyone needs to play their role properly. Be understanding of each others shortcomings. If you don't like the person you are working with or whom wants to work with you then just don't hire then. It's that simple.
It's really irritating, I have also ran into models that I may not want to work with again, but mostly its an issue of personality. I work with people who I usually don't mind working with again. I see some people with shortcomings and they don't bother me. Hell, I know I have a lot to learn in this photography game and I know I am not the "shit" compared to some of you so called photographers who front like you created photography. Arrogance get you nowhere.
Wake up, grow up, until then you few photographers who are ruining what is art will get no love from me.
Dear models / MUA,
Don't be afraid to politely and respectful leave a shoot if the photographer is being disrespectful. You have the right to do that. Contract or not. Paid or not. No one on this Earth can rule you and force you to do something you don't feel comfortable doing or make you feel less than what you are.
- Jason McNeil