Calm before doing stupid
Check out that title right...?
Ok, here's what happened. I went on a impromptu shoot with Erin the other day. I wanted to check out this new spot to hopefully shoot in the warmer season. (Damn I need to live in Dubai or Cali or something!) Now the first location was kind of bummer...
In the background if you can see, there are these tunnels things where water ran through. Better image from google ->
I wanted to go into the tunnels to shoot from there. The tunnel is very short. You can see both sides from the road in like 10 to 15 steps. The shadows and lighting interested me including the architecture. However the problem was that the was water too high at the time we were there...and it was cold...and we weren't going to try to walk through that that ain't the stupid...
We decided to go to the second location. We used google maps as our guide but once we got there we need to do a u-turn and go to the otherside. Erin was in her car and I was in mine. When she stopped, instead of me rolling the window down like a normal human being I got out of the car and my car (still running) locks itself...this is the stupid...
We literally sat there for 1 hour and half as I tried to break into my own car...Watched Youtube videos and everything and apparently my car is the greatest anti-break in vehicle in history...or I'm just stupid... By the way, we did call the police, but the police will only break into your car if there is a kid or pet locked in the vehicle.
So...I had to call a locksmith...he unlocked my car in like 2 sweat off his balls...easiest $100 he ever made I'm sure. You know what made this the stupid that is pure "the stupid"...I had the hanger inside my car trying to pull the latch or the door handle to unlock my door and guess what I kept hitting over and over again...the window button...
THE FRIGGIN' WINDOW BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...guess what the locksmith did...he pressed down on the window button...
Now we are at the other location and holy hell is it 100% better than the first. The architect and shadow and lighting is everything. I can't wait to do more warmer shoots here. Check out some of the images -
She is so brave to be in that bodysuit for like 4 or 5 shots. I took lol. 49 degrees on this day but near water it felt like 33 degrees (per my app).
So yea...that's my stupid moment of recent...what's yours? (Comment below!)