Jason McNeil

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5 Things I won't do

Breaking rules and sticking to your beliefs go hand in hand in my opinion. All too often do I get people who come to me asking if I do a certain genre of photography and other stuff that I have to say no to. So, I thought for a good blog topic I am going to write about things that I instantly say no to and why. Now the reasons I am sharing are just my opinions and how I work and isn't tailored to anyone else's beliefs. So, let's begin...

1. I will never give you RAW files

I have been asked many times if I will give someone my RAW files for various reasons. Some say they are retouchers, they want to edit the images to their liking, etc. My thoughts are if I give the RAW images and you make money off of them and I don't receive anything then I am a fool. I have been generous in the past and gave high quality print size images (JPEG, TIFs, etc) to models who want to sell the images I have taken of them. The RAW file is important for me to keep because...well I am the photographer. I took the photo and with a properly created release form we can both profit from the image without me giving up the rights to it. I offer people who want the RAW file a deal. Pay me $200 for each RAW file image you want and I will give it to you. Plus, if you do a terrible job editing the photo, then that comes back on me as well.

2. Never will work with a Retoucher

This irks me more than anything, I started out as a retoucher and I believe strongly in my capabilities. I retouch to my liking and when I have to tell ever retoucher that inquires about working with me or wanting to use one of my images and I tell them 'No' they get "butt-hurt". Deal with it, buy a camera, hire a model, take a photo and retouch to your heart's content.

3. I won't shoot Pinup

Granted I respect the hell out of this genre, but it's been overdone in my opinion. I feel like a lot of pinup images I have seen are all very much the same and doesn't leave much to the imagination. So, I have zero interest in creating it.

4. I won't shoot your Rap video or any music video

Videography is second to me. I actually don't take it seriously enough to invest in it. I do it for the silly moments, Shae Speaks TV and behind the scenes footage. That's it. I have been offered a lot for doing music videos and I think people don't realize that I don't have equipment for big production video shoots. If your looking to have the next big music video on Youtube you are coming to the wrong person. Your expectations won't be met with me, but I can direct you to other people for it. They don't come cheap either.

5. I won't shoot your wedding

Face it...it's not going to happen. I am not a event photographer. I am a artist and if you can't prove to me that your wedding isn't your typical wedding that's filled with nothing more than memorable moments than I am not interested. I have never seen a wedding that had a artistic feel to it. Something to make it stand out from all the other wedding images ever shot in history. 

In closing...

I think people to need to realize the different between a "artist" and a "photographer". I am a artist and my camera is my paintbrush. 

Comments are welcomed.